*Note: Ignore the annoyingly incorrect date on the pictures. Something tells me that little fingers got a hold of the camera and changed some settings that I haven't yet figured out...
On to other happenings the last 2 months - a photo update...
Tom and Clare at Lake Crescent when we went camping with the St. Hilaires last month.
Celebrating Papa Tom's birthday down in Olympia.
Just one of the many animals Clare got to pet at the Kitsap County Fair. She wasn't quite sure how to react to the enormous hairy pig they had there...
Celebrating Clare's second (hard to believe!) birthday on Labor Day Weekend. She looks happy, doesn't she? I think she didn't know if she was in trouble being confined to her high chair while everyone stared at her and sang a song at her.
She was, however, much more excited about this pretty blue princess dress that Uncle Chris and Jackie got for her. I'm pretty sure that Jackie did the picking out of the dress...Clare loves it!
And here are just a few pictures of Clare with her new baby cousin, Gabriel Thomas Beuschel. She loves him so much and is not content with merely sitting down holding him with someone's help. She has to lie down with him and "nunnle Gabriel" (her word for snuggle). She loves to help Aunt Mary straighten her nursing cover and get her burp cloths and blankets when Gabriel is fussy. I hope she loves her baby brother this much!
At the hospital sitting on Aunt Mary's bed. She loves to give him kisses.
See what I mean about the lying down with him thing?
She had just rolled out of bed and was so excited that Aunt Mary, Dom Dom, and Gabriel were here that she jumped in to my lap and demanded to hold Gabriel right then and there.
And, last but not least, a glimpse in to the brilliance of my husband. Clare's been going through this "I have an owie and now I need a bandaid or the world will end" phase. Even if she stubs her toe or runs in to a wall (as happened before this picture was taken) she needs a bandaid. Well, after many wasted bandaids and many tears over the fact that she was told that she didn't need a bandaid, Tom decided that he would tell her that masking tape was bandaids. Brilliant! So now for any non-serious owies, Clare gets one of Daddy's special bandaids -- and we are not buying a new box every other week.
We're due any minute with Baby #2. At my last appointment I was dilated to 3 cm and 70% effaced...but this has been going on slowly for the past 3 weeks. Not sure if we'll make it to the Oct. 2 due date or not, but I'm sure ready to get this show on the road! Your prayers are appreciated, and we'll update as soon as we have some baby news.
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